It’s one of THOSE mornings where you form a dangerous fascination with the snooze button, hop around the flat with only one leg in your jeans cos you’re late (seems a standard thing to do when late) and just when you’re about to leave you take a gulp of mouthwash, swizzle it around whilst pulling jeans fully on and…..spit it into your clean hair! Bloody Marvellous! 

Girls buy two types of underwear, the special kind and the ones you wear every day and in my case the ones that you consider fit to wear when going to see the Osteopath. I went to put on a matching girlie print bra and pants set the other day prior to my osteo appointment and realised that the bottoms were a thong. Not really suitable when bending over to touch your toes. So, whilst in Marks and Spencer today buying a few groceries I decided to grab some pants. 

I milled around the store, casually popping my groceries into my basket and when I approached the tills a thought came to mind. I have pants. I don’t want the male cashiers who serve me every week to see what pants I wear do I! So I just avoided the male cashiers and found the only female one. I queued and entertained myself whilst waiting with the usual nosing of what everyone else has in their shopping on the conveyor belt. The odd combinations, the sweet tooth, the stuffer, the meals for one and the dine in for two – oooo la la someone’s having a special night in! My gaze turns to scanning over the trashy gossip magazines next to the tills which I never read unless i’m waiting at the doctors, dentist, stood in the queue in Marks and Sparks or sat at my sister’s kitchen table reading my teenage niece or my sister’s copy. 

The queue moves along and just as i’m about to have my turn the cashier apologises to the customer in front and stops what she’s doing, gets up and swaps over…..with a man. It’s too late to escape to another till now, i’m caught between glossy magazine’s skinny girl shocker whatever happened to normal size women and someone’s fab wedding photos, chocolate with chilli and a lady with a trolly. There is no quick…”oops I forgot something” sharp exit. I am quickly whisked through the till as the man who serves me every week greets me with a “hello” and begins chatting whilst scanning my grapefruit, then my pasta, then my cheese, and my butter, and my pot of incredibly yummy pea and wasabi mint dip and bag of nachos before picking up the pants. I feel myself go red. He looks at me. I pay and I scuttle out the store. Great…now the man who serves me each week knows what pants i’ve got on! It’s a girl thing!

No matter what anyone tells you or says to you or however anyone makes you feel… If you have a desire to make something happen; a dream, a vision, and if you genuinely feel that you can make it work or at the very least give it your 100% to try to make it work for you (and lets face it, that is all you need to do). Then run with it, don’t stop believing, find people who you can ask for help and try try try try and TRY. Put your whole heart and soul in even when they are hurt and aching from the pressure and from the knocks of the negative people. Do not give in, do not swerve from your path. And if it goes wrong then you will make it a positive and into something else that will work, or if it changes and develops into something else, it will be better than the first path. Your life is your life for living. People often just say stuff without actually thinking…..neither you or they have the magic crystal ball to your life! So how on earth can they see into the future and comment! They are only commenting on their own past experiences that have resulted in their current belief on life and it’s outcomes. Your life is not their life. This is as much for me as you….HANG IN THERE! Happy Friday xxxx

This is my friend Steve. Steve not only beat cancer, he stamped on it and bravely moved forward, I’m very proud of Steve. I met Steve a few years ago through my connections in motorsport/cars and heard his story. He has been a complete inspiration with regards to how he has remained strong, positive, supported his family and has excelled in business. Steve and I have shared stories, cried and laughed, he has given me motivation, given me invaluable business advice and contacts, made me believe that I can achieve my goals and that i’m not Pants, LOL. You know that your friends are all very proud of you Steve and I feel honoured to have you as a friend.

19 years ago today the world lost a legend. Ayrton Senna….as a little girl who lived and breathed wanting to be a racing driver, he rocked my world!

Awesome video by Ayrton01CZ on YouTube at :

Together they changed the world!

Senna, Prost, Mansell and Piquet, 1986.

Photo from:

Just popped onto the Active360 webpage whilst planning some SUP training for the Momentum marathon and check out the guns on the guy in the picture on the main page! :@O I can see this is going to be very hard to concentrate on! :@)) If you fancy a go at Stand Up Paddleboarding…then I recommend Active360. Not just for guys with guns!



Whilst busying myself this morning I caught sight of one of my neighbours. He reminds me of someone from my past, a complete carbon copy. Today, he was sat in his dressing gown by his patio door on a chair, laptop balanced, long legs crossed one over the other, a roll up held in long fingers and a cup of coffee in the other as he sat peacefully taking drag after drag and laughing at something on his laptop. I found myself unable to look away. It brought a huge smile to my face as it evoked a fond memory:

It was a cold December morning. I was getting dressed and came back from the bathroom to find a cup of coffee beside the bed. The best cup of coffee that still to this day i have ever tasted. I really don’t know how he always made coffee taste so great. I once tried to find out but all i discovered was a coffee filled pan on the stove. And on this morning in memory, i took my coffee downstairs to be with him. The whole house seemed dark as i crept down the stairs.  I could hear his voice coming from an adjacent room. I peered around the door to see him sat in his dressing gown in front of his patio doors, phone in hand, sitting in a beam of morning light, one leg crossed over the other, roll up held in those long piano fingers and laughing at whatever was being said to him on the phone.

It’s wonderful how you carry people with you through your life.

Do you ever think about love? I mean the kind where you mean something to someone, genuinely, deeply. Where someone never wants to let you go and loves every single bit about you and doesn’t even see the bad bits. I do! Oddly enough usually when i’m on the tube home. Tonight an old man got onto the tube. He had trouble walking and I let him have my seat. His shoes were a bit battered and the zip on his coat had broken. He seemed to try to hide it, fiddling and looking at it concerned, he did the buttons up and put his arms across it. Then he sat back and closed his eyes. I thought to myself, I hope he’s got someone to go home to, lovingly to greet him wrapped in open arms and say never mind and to mend that zip! And I got off the tube, walked home through dimly lit streets, stars up above me glinting down and Big Ben singing at me through the frosty air ringing in 11 o’clock. He always puts my life into perspective. And I unlocked my door to an unlit, empty flat. Don’t get me wrong, i’m a happy bean. But I don’t want to grow old not having someone who genuinely, deeply, loves me, that I mean something to, a husband, someone to talk about the day with, wrap me in open arms and to lovingly mend broken zips.



Let me introduce you to my gorgeous cousin Pamela Beckett who is at the very heart of everything that I do and she always gets her photo posted by me on these kinds of pages. She will be one of a few people who will be on my mind and in my heart as I paddle down the Thames and I shall introduce you to the others soon. Pamela and I shared a passion for life. We laughed loudly and heartily, loved everyone, danced to our hearts content…she was a big bold beautiful shining star who lit up everyone’s life. On 21st Jan 2007 Pamela walked out of Bristol train station and was still holding her boyfriend’s hand when a car mounted the pavement behind her and ran her down. She died instantly. Our family will never be the same. I have been determined that her big bold outgoing life would live on through me and my adventures. For Pamela xxx